What’s The Benefit of Parent & Me Classes?

Parent & Me classes (also known as Toddler classes) are a great way for parents to introduce their child to consistent, curated, and joyful social settings. During these classes, your child gets to explore well-designed play spaces, typically in preschool classrooms, with other children of a similar age. During their play, Daniel, along with the trained teachers working with him, guide the children in peer-to-peer engagement
while allowing them the space to explore and be.
Parents also get to be a part of their child’s development and play in ways they never get again…inside the classroom, with other children, guided by professionals.
You also get to connect with other parents, all while getting to ask questions
from an experienced class leader.

What Occurs During Parent & Me Classes?

Classes typically include indoor and outdoor activities, art, body movement, age-appropriate manipulatives, music and story time, and snack.
For parents, each class includes a discussion time focusing on important topics like managing tantrums, potty, meal and bedtime transitions, as well as topics that come up in your day to day. The goal with all of this is to give parents a much needed, and difficult to find, firsthand resource from professionals that directly engage with your child.

Current and Previous
Parent & Me


Parent Coaching


Parent Workshops